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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Radio Bully

Mike Francesa is the biggest A-hole on sports radio.I use to think that it was the dog that made the show hard to listen to but after he left the proclaimed Godfather of sports radio has become unbearable to listen to.He bullies his staff when something goes wrong like a little spoiled brat.He claims he doesn't hang up on callers but he must of not realized he is on the YES network and you can see when a call doesn't go the way he likes he hangs up on the person.I think he has forgotten that the callers opinion is a important part of sports radio.He tries to start arguments with his guest callers if he is not getting the answers he wants.The Jets had a ban put on the team from talking with him so he ripped them every chance he got then when he finally was allowed interviews with some players he badgered them until they would hang up on him then he would act as if he did nothing wrong.So now he continues to rip the Jets every chance he gets. Typical spoiled brat that he is. This guy is a radio bully and someone needs to put him in his place. He isn't even the best at his own station let alone the Godfather of sports radio.The guy is just a bully and he needs to go.

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